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Check out what Equestrian+ has to offer with these free videos.

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  • Beginner Novice & Novice Cross-Country Schooling 1| Ashley Johnson | TRAILER

    Five-star eventer Ashley Johnson coaches Beginner Novice and Novice horse-and rider pairs during a cross-country schooling session. She explains the benefits of trotting small fences during the warm-up. The students then school a ditch, followed by practicing a small course that includes tables, ...

  • Q&A With Margie Engle

    Olympic show jumper Margie Engle shares insight into her experiences riding tough horses, what she looks for in a horse and more.

    With 250 career wins, Margie is one of the most decorated U.S. show jumpers. She earned a team silver medal at the 2006 FEI World Equestrian Games™️ and is a three-ti...

  • Canter Necessities | Robin Walker | Trailer

    Robin Walker works with a Training Level amateur rider and her young horse on developing a quality canter in the arena and out on cross country. They practice adjustability exercises in the arena before using small slopes in the field to test the pair’s ability to keep a balanced canter.


  • Twelve-Foot Stride | Sharon White | TRAILER

    Sharon White, Pan American Games team silver medalist and five-star eventer, works on the twelve-foot stride with riders on young horses. She uses poles and small jumps to practice stride length and relaxation and asks the riders to focus on canter departs and halts to improve responsiveness to t...

  • Cavalletti to Prepare for Jumping | Sharon White | TRAILER

    Five-star eventer Sharon White coaches two riders on young horses as they warm up over cavalletti. She uses cavalletti at the walk and trot to help the horses bring up their backs, loosen their toplines and create roundness. They go over the cavalletti at the canter to conclude the warm-up.


  • Clinic Organizer/Rider Elizabeth “Lizzie” Fera | Steffen Peters

    Elizabeth “Lizzie” Fera, who organized a clinic with Steffen Peters, talks about the insights that she gained from the experience. Lizzie rode her 5-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding in the two-day clinic with Steffen. They worked on lightness, responsiveness to the aids and the start of collectio...

  • Trailer Intermediate Eventing Dressage | Jane Hamlin

    FEI five-star eventing ground jury member Jane Hamlin shares a lesson confirming Intermediate-level eventing dressage skills. She offers insight into what a judge looks for in the test. She also includes a combination of exercises—including shoulder-in to 10-meter circles to shoulder-in to haunch...

  • Introducing Skinnies & Corners | Clayton Fredericks | TRAILER 01

    Clayton Fredericks introduces horses to skinnies and corners in a show-jumping lesson, using it to prepare for schooling these elements cross country. In Part 1, he focuses on skinny—narrow—fences. He emphasizes that the horses need to be on their line and have the right canter for the fence size...

  • The Rider's Seat Demo | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne von Dietze takes to the saddle and demonstrates her how the rider seat, balance and position affect the horse.

  • Trailer—Sharon White—Part 2: Cross-Country Training, Modified

    In Part 2 of a cross-country lesson, Sharon White continues helping Training, Modified and Intermediate-level pairs, designing courses for each. Teaching points include riding the line, not the distance; working with mares; and keeping the correct pace. The riders practice various fences includin...

  • Trailer—Sharon White—Part 1: Cross-Country Cross-Country Training, Modified

    Sharon White, five-star star competitor and 2023 Pan American U.S. team member, takes herself and three riders competing at Training, Modified and Intermediate levels schooling cross country. She shares tips on maintaining the line to a fence, rider position, what to do in case of a runout, keepi...

  • Trailer—Bettina Hoy—Improving Balance and Engagement

    German Olympic eventer Bettina Hoy shares a dressage lesson in which she works with a rider to improve balance and engagement with her mare. They use test movements such as leg-yield, shoulder-in, renvers and half-pass as well as counter-canter and canter–walk transitions.

  • Trailer—Caroline Pamukcu Eventing—Preparing for Spring Horse Trials—Dressage

    Caroline Pamukcu’s head rider Lee Maher schools a horse in a last dressage school before competing at Novice in a spring horse trial the next weekend. He focuses on maintaining the same rhythm in the trot and canter work. He and the horse work on transitions— trot–walk–trot, within the canter and...

  • Trailer—Caroline Pamukcu Eventing—Preparing for Spring Horse Trials—Show Jumping

    Caroline Pamukcu’s head rider Lee Maher rides a last school before a spring horse trial on a horse competing at Modified the next weekend. They work on raised cavalletti, a vertical followed by lead changes, an oxer at different distances and a line with an in-and-out.

  • Stadium Jumping Verticals | Greg Best | TRAILER 01

    Olympic Silver Medalist Greg Best teaches a lesson in the stadium to help riders produce the right kind of jump for verticals. Addressing everything from position to tack, Greg thoroughly explains his approach and sets each individual rider and their horse up for success.

  • Upper-Level Early Spring School | Jennie Brannigan | TRAILER

    Five-star event rider Jennie Brannigan brings us a lesson focused on changing the balance of the horse through a jumping grid and allowing the fence to hold the horse rather than the rider’s hands.

  • Training Level Cross Country Exercises | Lucinda Green | TRAILER 01

    Learn from one of the best in the world with Olympic event rider Lucinda Green in these cross country schooling videos including banks and ditches. Watch for the release of the next set of videos for the rest of this day of schooling that will include water.

  • ICP Clinic Position Statement - Trailer 2

    Olympic Gold medalist and British Event Team trainer Christopher Bartle presents his ICP session on position statement. Christopher works with the rider in a box exercise, using leg yield as a tool to improve the horse's bend and attention. As the horse improves, they move back to working in a la...

  • Trotting & Walking Fences Two Star Horses/Riders | William Fox-Pitt | TRAILER 02

    Trailer for Britain's first World No.1 Eventer, William Fox-Pitt's Trotting & Walking Fences session, with two star horses and riders. Join William in the jumping arena while he illustrates the value of working over fences at the lower gaits.

  • Stadium Clinic | Allison Springer | TRAILER 02

    Allison Springer hosts a master class on staying "in the motion" with your horse. Teaching various horse and rider combinations, Allison works on correct position, and explains the difference between simply following the horse, and being in the motion with them. Viewers accompany Allison as she t...

  • 25 Developing Riders - How Much Pressure? | Leslie Law | TRAILER 02

    Trailer 2 for Gold medalist Leslie Law's '25 Developing Riders - How Much Pressure?' session. Join Leslie on the cross country course as he works with riders, to answer the key questions around how much pressure is necessary coming into different elements.

  • ICP Clinic, Stadium Jumping | Yogi Breisner | TRAILER 01

    Trailer 1 for World Class performance manager and Chef D'Equipe, Yogi Breisner's ICP Stadium Jumping Clinic. Hear Yogi's industry insights and watch him instruct horse and rider pairs with the goal of improving their Stadium Jumping. Yogi works with a variety of riders and horses of various level...

  • Gymnastics & Stadium Courses | Ian Stark | TRAILER 02

    Olympic and World Equestrian Games medalist, Ian Stark teaches a Gymnastics and Stadium Courses lesson over the show jumps. Riders work around a course and through gymnastic lines while Ian offers feedback. Working with both horse and rider, Ian creates better position, clear communication and mo...

  • Instructor Certification Program | Trailer

    Trailer for the video series on the Instructor Certification Program. Take a look inside the program and gain insights into what it takes, as well as lots of valuable information to assist in your own riding. Join the program attendees as they work on teaching in a group.