Part 3: Boyd raises the jumps and make them wider as the riders continue working through the exercise. He assists a rider with her talented horse that tends to get hot and rush. Boyd reminds her not to be quick with her body over the fence, since she has a quick horse, and to instead use her position over the jump to keep him steady. He explains to all the riders that they can work with any more aggressive horse by getting them deep into the jump to help force them to slow down and make a better shape.
Up Next in Stadium Jumping
Improving The Jumping Technique Of Th...
Part 2: Boyd sets up another exercise with three small jumps on a curve. He challenges the riders to come in a slower, rounder canter in order to jump them all correctly. The exercise helps the riders get a very deep distance and encourage the horses to be quicker in their shoulder while to jumpi...
Improving the Jumping Technique of Th...
Part 4: Boyd adds V poles to the fences and makes them wider in order to help slow the horses into the jump. This allows the riders to ride in without worrying about holding back, enabling them to focus on their position while the horse has a nicer jump. As the horses start to jump using their wh...
Warm-up Over Fences for Event Horses ...
Liz helps riders warm-up over fences for stadium jumping. She emphasizes keeping leg on into, over and after the jumps and that the riders need to make sure they release enough over the fence. They do several different lines to work on balance, rhythm and straightness.