Straightness | Steffen Peters | PART 03
Steffen Peters
They take a walk break, but Steffen still has them work on the quality and tempo of the walk before returning to the canter. He has them ride the centerline in the canter to teach her when the rider straightens her she is not asking for a change. By being accurate on the turn to the centerline she avoids having to leg yield back to the centerline and the chance shell get the change in the process of trying to be straight. They do a much better canter walk transition and Steffen still has her pay attention to the walk in the walk break.
Up Next in Steffen Peters
Suppleness in the Flying Changes
Once the horse is moving well in canter, they try some flying changes. Steffen wants to make sure the horse’s energy, balance and suppleness is correct before asking for a change. The changes are clean and straight, but the horse is a little long and low, so Steffen works on having the rider shor...
Straightness 2
They proceed to the canter, and when the mare swaps leads when she asks for collection Steffen has her explain it in a walk pirouette. At the canter again on a 20 meter circle they ride haunches in, lengthen, bring the haunches in and then ask for collection. They experiment with keeping her st...
Third Level Work | Steffen Peters | P...
Next, they work on trot half passes asking the horse to come more off the ground and be more responsive to the half halts. They work transitions between medium trot and half steps while keeping the suppleness and elasticity in the contact. Steffen explains that the goal is to create half pass tha...