Finding a Distance | Ronny Riemer | PART 01
Ronny Riemer
German show jumper Ronny Riemer shares how he walks courses and comes up with a plan, including how he measures distances, analyzes strides, determines options for bending lines and approaches combinations, for calm and confident rounds.
Up Next in Ronny Riemer
Horse and Rider Body Balance | Ronny ...
Horses do not like to be out of balance, and Ronny feels that the rider’s balance is extremely important to help the horse’s balance. He talks about how a rider should utilize their upper body, leg and hand to be in balance themselves, which helps the horse be in balance. He feels that the rider’...
Riding a 5-Stride Line
Once properly warmed up, Ronny has the riders work on riding a 5-stride line. The concept is still the same to go straight before the first jump, between the two jumps and then after the second fence. A canter pole before the first jump allows the horse to have one stride before the jump and find...
5 Questions with Ronny Riemer
Get to know show jumper Ronny Riemer. Find out how he got involved with horses, why he came to the United States from Germany and gain some insight into his training philosophy.