Rider Position and Aids

Rider Position and Aids

Improve your body position and effectiveness of your aids with help from the Equestrian+ coaches.

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Rider Position and Aids
  • Focus on Forward Tempo | Shannon Dueck | PART 02

    After a walk break, they work on right lead canter, again focusing on immediately going forward and not worrying about the horse being on the bit. They work on rider position in both canter and trot to help with the horse suppleness. The rider cant just use the hands. The shoulder is as important...

  • Riding Both Sides of the Horse for Alignment | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 01

    In the first part of this ride, Olivia discusses how to get the horse to let go of her back and bring her hind legs through. The rider needs to see the pressure through to the response she wants from the horse. In the trot, the horse should feel aligned evenly between both reins and legs.

  • Riding Both Sides of the Horse for Alignment | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 02

    Continuing in the ride, they work on shoulder-in and 10-meter circles. While it easy to think about neck bend, it important to know where the withers are. They should be on the line of the circle. The outside aids need to bring the horse around the outside of the turn but shouldn't shove the hors...

  • Aligning the Horse's Body | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 01

    Olivia works with a rider on keeping her horse body correctly aligned. Thinking shoulder-in in the leg yield has the haunches leading slightly, which is effective for horses who want to lead with the shoulders. In the trot, the rider needs to keep the horse energy while keeping an even, consisten...

  • Aligning the Horse's Body | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 02

    In the second part of the ride, they continue to work on rider position and effectiveness of the aids going in both directions. Olivia stresses that on a circle, the hands need to be guiding in that pushing the horse from behind helps make the turn happen because the rider is then guiding the ene...

  • Getting the Horse in Front of the Leg | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 01

    Olivia helps an amateur rider with her Spanish horse who resists the connection and taking a bigger step. She wants the horse to bend and take a bigger step, not just go faster. They work on the concept of the horse positively reacting to the leg. When the rider adds leg, the horse should take a ...

  • Getting the Horse in Front of the Leg | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 02

    They continue in the trot work. When the horse ducks behind the vertical, Olivia suggests riding him forward into that contact, bending and asking him to move sideways. The rider does need to work through the issue and offer to connect with the horse where he is.

  • Getting the Horse in Front of the Leg | Olivia Lagoy-Weltz | PART 03

    They start to make progress with the "neck down and go" concept. The horse starts to push into the contact. When they go back to canter, Olivia stresses that what the horse offers is not enough, and he needs more forward power. When the horse comes through, then the rider can start to bring the h...

  • Rhythm and Tempo with a Forward Horse | Janet Foy

    FEI 5* Judge Janet Foy works with a rider on a strong, forward thinking horse. Janet emphasizes beingœboring so that the horse relaxes. It important for the horse to have energy, but it has to stay balanced. The rider leg keeps the tempo but shouldnt push him too much as that can make the horse g...

  • Controlling the Seat for Better Quality Gaits | Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel

    Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel works with a rider to help her become more aware of her seat for greater freedom and flow in her horse gaits, specifically the canter. Felicitas teaches the rider both on and off of the horse how to develop control of her seat bones and pelvis for better quality gaits.

  • Working on Tempo | Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel

    Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel instructs a rider on how to use her body to help her horse's tempo. They work to keep the horse's energy and bounce and teach him to use himself and stay light.

  • Balancing the Aids for the Line of Travel | Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel

    Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel works with a rider on balancing the inside and outside aids to influence the horse line of travel and tempo for training level. Felicitas uses jumping visuals to help with frequent trot canter transitions. She has the rider imagine balancing back before a jump to trans...

  • The Rider’s Seat: Day 3, Ride 3 | Susanne von Dietze

  • Rider's Seat Lecture | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne von Dietze leads us through an unmounted session where she describes the use of the rider seat and leads auditors (and you!) through exercises.

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 1 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne works with Grand Prix rider JJ Tate on her position.

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 2 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne works on several things, including leg stability.

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 3 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne works to help JJ keep the connection of her lower legs. She explains how this connection will help push her center of gravity higher, which will allow the horse's back to come up more and allow more quickness of the hind legs.

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 4 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne helps a rider work to keep her horse forward, control his shoulders and keep him from leaning. All of this is in an effort to help him stay light and learn to carry himself. They take time to go back and work on the basics.

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 5 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne has JJ hold a sponge/straw tool in her hands, which acts as a visual to help keep her hands from turning down. The trick is to keep the straws as parallel as possible ... if they cross or are uneven, she knows her hands are incorrect. She also works on improving the horse's self-carriage ...

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 6 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne works with this rider and her nice young horse to help him find the outside rein without restricting the outside bend. They also work on a three-corner exercise, which helps prepare the inside hind leg for collection and the outside shoulder for extension.

  • The Rider's Seat, Ride 7 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne helps JJ Tate and her horse with the collection and getting the horse to take even steps with his hind end and for him to carry more weight behind.

  • The Rider's Seat: Day 2, Ride 1 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne notices JJ's quiet upper body and discuses with the audience how she found this quietness.

  • The Rider's Seat: Day 2, Ride 2 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne helps this rider first with her breathing, asking her to let a really deep warm breathe out with each exhale; a yoga breathe. This controlled breathing out gives the horse a lot of security. She continues with other breathing exercises, all of which help both the horse and rider relax.

  • The Rider's Seat: Day 2, Ride 3 | Susanne von Dietze

    Susanne works with a rider to lighten her seat on this young, very sensitive horse. They work on the up-up-sit in posting trot and again in canter. Horse and rider do part ways at one point, but the rider remounts and ends the session with a much quieter horse.