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Seat and Posture, Improving Rider Position on the Lunge | Nancy Later | PART 01

Rider Position and Aids • 13m

Up Next in Rider Position and Aids

  • Forward and Soft, Young Horse Develop...

    They move on to the preparing for the canter after a walk break.  They continue asking him to move forward while being soft in the hand.  Cesar asks for the same aids for the down transition, making sure it comes from the seat and keeps the hindquarters active.  they work on transitions within th...

  • Where and How To Sit | Catherine Hadd...

    Catherine Haddad leads us through her philosophy on where riders should sit on their horse. By talking about how the skeleton should sit on the back, she illustrates the physiological reasons the rider should sit on the back and where the legs will lay. This feeds directly into saddle design and ...

  • Suppleness | Catherine Haddad | PART 05