Riding the Less Motivated Horse | Chelsea Canedy
Rider Position and Aids
Chelsea rides a horse with a personality style she finds common with many riders one that is wonderfully safe, but less motivated and not as responsive to a light leg aid. This type of horse often teaches a rider to work too hard, so Chelsea demonstrates how to promote a better way of going for the horse so that the rider isnt exhausted by the end of the ride.
Up Next in Rider Position and Aids
Riding the Sensitive Horse | Chelsea ...
Chelsea talks about the aids she uses to ride a sensitive horse. The most important thing is that the horse responds to a light aid. Her focus is on light leg aids, getting a response and sending her horse into a steady, relaxed contact. She goes over the basics of walk, trot and canter and leg y...
Moving Your Body for Balance | Karen ...
In the first part of her Equitana demonstration, Karen talks about how to improve the horse balance. The riders work on visualizing a circle with correct alignment, flow and softness. While riding the circle, they notice how the horse feels and make corrections to improve the balance. When the ho...
Riding the Hind Legs | Shannon Dueck ...
During the warmup part of this clinic ride, Shannon stresses that the rider needs to start to feel the hind legs more than the front legs in the connection. When the horse starts to come round, be sure not to throw her away. Every transition can help train the horse to step her hind legs under an...