PSG Stretch and Collection | Daniel Martin Dockx | PART 01
Rider Position and Aids
Spanish Olympian Daniel Dockx works with a young American rider on a PRE horse showing Prix St. Georges s and I1. In the warm up they show great stretch, which continues into the trot. Daniel asks that they make downward transitions with the head still in the down position. When they start into the work, Daniel first asks them for working trot to collected trot transitions for just a few steps. In the shoulder in he stresses that the neck be in the right position with the inside leg to the outside rein and without running.
Up Next in Rider Position and Aids
Conviction and Intention | Nicholas F...
Nicholas reviews their ride from the previous day where they had discovered a noseband that didn't fit correctly and a saddle that should be refitted. The rider asks about the proper contact for stretching. Since they are just learning this skill, Nicholas has them begin rounder until they reach...
Conviction and Intention | Nicholas F...
After they change direction, Nicholas asks her to position the horse with his ribs away from her inside leg. The rider is successful in getting him to stretch as she gives on the rein. They next lengthen down the long sides making sure that he is straight, which means positioning him right. N...
Conviction and Intention | Nicholas F...
Nicholas has the rider work on going from posting to sitting trot while staying forward. He explains that when she uses her aids she must have conviction that she will get the response desired and respond if she doesn't. When they go to the canter, Nicholas encourages them to keep the canter an...