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More Forward | Gary Rockwell | PART 02

Rider Position and Aids • 14m

Up Next in Rider Position and Aids

  • More Forward | Gary Rockwell | PART 03

    After a walk break Gary has them do half turns on the haunches while keeping the walk steps quicker and sMoller.  He coaches her to keep the walk rhythm by quickening her seat. They do walk canter transitions and then the three loop serpentine with no change of lead.

  • Body Awareness | Mary Wanless | PART 01

    Mary begins her private lesson with this rider by finding out what they have come to the clinic to accomplish. She fist observes them at walk, trot and canter. As they go to trot the horse speeds up and Mary points out that the only way to fix the horse is to be aware of what her body is doing. S...

  • Body Awareness | Mary Wanless | PART 02

    In the next video, the rider walks on while bearing down. Mary asks her if her push down is stronger than her pull on the reins, pointing out that if the pull is stronger it is like riding with the handbrake on. Mary explains how the reins should feel in the rider's hands and then introduces the ...