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Focus on Forward Tempo | Shannon Dueck | PART 02

Rider Position and Aids • 15m

Up Next in Rider Position and Aids

  • Riding Both Sides of the Horse for Al...

    In the first part of this ride, Olivia discusses how to get the horse to let go of her back and bring her hind legs through. The rider needs to see the pressure through to the response she wants from the horse. In the trot, the horse should feel aligned evenly between both reins and legs.

  • Riding Both Sides of the Horse for Al...

    Continuing in the ride, they work on shoulder-in and 10-meter circles. While it easy to think about neck bend, it important to know where the withers are. They should be on the line of the circle. The outside aids need to bring the horse around the outside of the turn but shouldn't shove the hors...

  • Aligning the Horse's Body | Olivia La...

    Olivia works with a rider on keeping her horse body correctly aligned. Thinking shoulder-in in the leg yield has the haunches leading slightly, which is effective for horses who want to lead with the shoulders. In the trot, the rider needs to keep the horse energy while keeping an even, consisten...