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Canter Aids Tutorial | Nancy Later

Rider Position and Aids • 10m

Up Next in Rider Position and Aids

  • More Forward | Gary Rockwell | PART 01

    We join Gary as this pair warms up, and he encourages the rider to ask for a lower frame to let him stretch his back. They use a three loop serpentine and bending to help him release and swing through his back.  By increasing the bend and then releasing when he gives the horse comes more on the bit.

  • More Forward | Gary Rockwell | PART 02

    Gary now has them ride the shoulder in and then they take a walk break.  Gary explains that with this type of horse you always have to ask for a little more than they offer; in the walk they need to be on the edge of the trot, and in the trot at the edge of canter.  He points out that when she as...

  • More Forward | Gary Rockwell | PART 03

    After a walk break Gary has them do half turns on the haunches while keeping the walk steps quicker and sMoller.  He coaches her to keep the walk rhythm by quickening her seat. They do walk canter transitions and then the three loop serpentine with no change of lead.