Catherine brings us a six year old mare working on self carriage who is going in Double Bridle and showing more bounce and suspension. The rider shows a great connection between leg and hand. Once she is settled in the position, they add more thrust from behind. Catherine gives excellent explanations of riding from shoulder in to renvers.
Up Next in Changes of Lead
Stretchy Trot and Clean Changes | Nic...
Nicholas has worked with this pair before, and they review their past goals and make a plan for this ride. They begin with a stretchy trot and going to the right they work on getting him to let go and become more supple behind the saddle. The horse shows excellent stretch, and they have a great...
Stretchy Trot and Clean Changes | Nic...
They have problems with the changes, and Nicholas has them work on having the idea of the medium canter in the collected canter so she isn't pushing him in the collection. He asks for shoulder fore and then renvers before having another change on the diagonal. The right canter half pass is quite...
Shoulder in, Changes, half pass - Hen...
Shoulder in, Changes, half pass - Henk Van Bergen