Next Karen has the riders work on transitions. When the balance and energy feel good in one gait, they move into another gait and then establish a good balance and tempo there. The goal is to achieve that positive energy and tempo as soon as possible after moving to the next gait. Again, praising the horse and going to a neutral position is the horse reward and how he knows he is doing what the rider wants.
Up Next in Walk
5-Year-Old Arabian Cross - Warm-Up Wa...
Mimi introduces us to this promising 5-year-old Hanoverian-Arabian cross and explains where he is in his training while warming up at the walk.
Q&A: The Walk and Sitting Trot | Doro...
Question 1: What is the most difficult movement to ride or to teach? Question 2: When do you start sitting the trot on young horses?
Q&A: Tension in the Collected Walk | ...
Question: Do you have exercises to deal with tension in the collected walk?