Piaffe and passage work is the focus in this session.
Up Next in Passage
Piaffe and Passage Intro | Alfredo He...
They intersperse short sessions of working with assistance from the ground with a free walk to keep the horse relaxed. Alfredo shows great patience in introducing this work to him. There is a wonderful discussion about their success and the approach Alfredo uses to train these movements.
Piaffe and Passage at Age 20 | Alfred...
We join this team in the midst of a warm up at the trot. Alfredo asks for a little piaffe, and after watching this 20 year old gelding work, Alfredo discusses his theory on teaching the piaffe and passage and the role of the transitions. They go to the rail and ask for the piaffe out of the walk.
Piaffe and Passage at Age 20 | Alfred...
We join this team in the midst of a warm up at the trot. Alfredo asks for a little piaffe, and after watching this 20 year old gelding work, Alfredo discusses his theory on teaching the piaffe and passage and the role of the transitions. They go to the rail and ask for the piaffe out of the walk.