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Steffen Peters – Schooling a Prix St. Georges Horse – Day 2 Part 1


Up Next in Pirouette

  • Schooling Walk Pirouettes

    Following a brief warm-up in walk and trot, they move on to walk pirouettes. In the walk pirouette, it is extremely common for horses to slow down and to want to push the haunches to the outside. Those are two important issues for the rider to be aware of. When training the walk pirouette, Steffe...

  • Riding an Andalusian-Arabian Walk Pir...

    Laura explains and demonstrates the walk pirouette. First, she explains the difference between turns on the haunches and walk pirouette. She starts with walking a corner and then going straight and shows different mistakes that can be made. Then she demonstrates step-by-step how to prepare and ex...

  • Fourth Level Canter Pirouette | Laura...

    They start working in collected canter. The more collected the horse becomes, the more important the contact is. It important to find an easy canter on contact on a small circle. If the horse breaks to trot, the rider needs to make a quick correction. When the rider gets a good moment, then the h...