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Schooling Walk Pirouettes


Up Next in Pirouette

  • Riding an Andalusian-Arabian Walk Pir...

    Laura explains and demonstrates the walk pirouette. First, she explains the difference between turns on the haunches and walk pirouette. She starts with walking a corner and then going straight and shows different mistakes that can be made. Then she demonstrates step-by-step how to prepare and ex...

  • Fourth Level Canter Pirouette | Laura...

    They start working in collected canter. The more collected the horse becomes, the more important the contact is. It important to find an easy canter on contact on a small circle. If the horse breaks to trot, the rider needs to make a quick correction. When the rider gets a good moment, then the h...

  • Prix St. Georges - Schooling Canter P...

    They school the beginnings of canter pirouettes. They start with bringing the canter back on the long side and then on a circle. When that feels good, they ask for more of a pirouette turn. They also work on the canter going into and coming out of the movement. Then they practice the pirouette on...