Laura goes through the aids for half-pass in detail and then demonstrates the movement at the trot. She also shows what can happen when the rider rides it incorrectly. She takes the trot half pass and moves into a trot zig zag and then takes the same format into the canter zig zag.
Up Next in Half-Pass
Third Level, Day 2 - Trot Half Pass |...
To prepare for half pass, Laura suggests starting with some shoulder-in and haunches-in. On the stiffer side, to have an easy half-pass, you have to be able to ride the body of the horse on the line while being able to bend the horse without changing the line. The neck is separate from the should...
Second Level, Day 2 - Half Pass | Lau...
To finish the ride, they work on schooling a half pass in trot. As they go on a line, Laura wants the horse bent but with enough energy that the rider feels like the horse is carrying her forward without the rider having to push for it. The movement is difficult because the horse has to go in the...
Shoulder-In and Half Pass in Trot | J...
FEI 5* Judge Janet Foy provides tips on riding trot shoulder-in and half pass. In a well-schooled horse, the rider outside leg does not need to be driving the entire time. Instead, the inside leg creates engagement, cadence and forward impulsion. She also reminds us that we in the training, we do...