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2016 West Coast Dressage Convention - Developing Prix St. Georges - Part 1

5m 59s

Up Next in Prix St. Georges

  • Relaxation, Suppleness, and Elasticit...

    Lotje Schoots begins this ride by explaining her training methods for Zarah, her PSG mare. She looks for suppleness and relaxation while riding on contact. She uses travers at the walk to help her stretch, using her outside hind to come forwards and sideways while keeping the connection. In th...

  • PVDA Sponsored 2011 tests and teachin...

    PVDA Sponsored 2011 tests and teaching clinic, Prix St. Georges , S Level

  • PSG Warm Up - Preparation for PSG Tes...

    Catherine has the rider visit the canter pirouettes and explains how they work with a horse that is slightly behind the leg in the pirouettes.  In the canter half passes they check how well the horse is moving away from the leg to X to a flying change, half pass back to the corner and another fly...