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Practice the PSG Test | Catherine Haddad


Up Next in Prix St. Georges

  • Power from behind at the PSG Level | ...

    Dani Dockx works with this beautiful horse and Susan Treabess 2010 WEG USA Para Dressage team member. (Watch the interview with Michel Assouline for an explanation of the different levels of para riders and their horses.) As they warm up, Dani asks that their canter trot transitions be forward an...

  • Power from behind at the PSG Level | ...

    Dani Dockx works with this beautiful horse and Susan Treabess 2010 WEG USA Para Dressage team member. (Watch the interview with Michel Assouline for an explanation of the different levels of para riders and their horses.) As they warm up, Dani asks that their canter trot transitions be forward an...

  • Judging FEI 6 Year Old Young Horse Te...

    Natalie Lamping judging FEI 6 Year Old Young Horse Test