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Moving Up From PSG | Katrin Bettenworth | PART 03

8m 42s

Up Next in Prix St. Georges

  • Moving Up From PSG | Katrin Bettenwor...

    The warm up begins with trotting and then canter with the mare finding her own rhythm and stretching. This allows her to develop her own cadence. Work starts with a more engaged hind leg in the canter to a walk transition, a leg yield and a canter transition again to check the reactions of the ma...

  • Moving Up From PSG | Katrin Bettenwor...

    Katrin Bettenworth rides an illuminating training ride on a talented Prix St. Georges s mare who is working toward Grand Prix. Her thoughtful progression through the warm up to working on the canter pirouette, half pass in the trot and changes results in a happy and relaxed mare. The total runnin...

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