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Fourth Level Flying Changes | Laura Graves


Up Next in Fourth Level

  • Fourth Level Canter Pirouette | Laura...

    They start working in collected canter. The more collected the horse becomes, the more important the contact is. It important to find an easy canter on contact on a small circle. If the horse breaks to trot, the rider needs to make a quick correction. When the rider gets a good moment, then the h...

  • Fourth Level Schooling Piaffe | Laura...

    When schooling piaffe, the horse needs to close the trot with the muscles flexed. The rider needs to hold the contact and ride the horse up to that. If the horse is willing to hold the contact, he can come back into a more collected trot. The horse is brought back little by little until the rider...

  • Advanced Lateral Work | Shannon Dueck...

    In this clinic session, Shannon works with a rider focusing on suppling through lateral work. They warm-up in walk doing half pass, haunches-in, renvers and walk pirouette. The horse tends to hide behind the vertical so Shannon recommends riding him more forward than the rider thinks she needs to...