They start the canter work with Chrissa helping her keep him more up in the frame. They ride a shoulder in and haunches in and then a leg yield before trying the single change. He doesnt accept the aid for the change so they ride it again after getting him a bit more on his haunches. They change direction and work through the shoulder in, haunches in and leg yield again. When he runs on the leg yield, Chrissa reminds her to make sure he can go straight first before going sideways in the leg yield. They take a walk break and then go to the trot work. Chrissa explains how Mel has worked to develop her sitting trot. They school the shoulder in, haunches in and leg yield and end with a stretchy trot. Chrissa points out how they make sure they end with a happy horse that is working at a level appropriate to his ability.
Up Next in Third Level
Connected and In Front of the Leg - S...
They work on having the riders leg in the proper position for shoulder in to get more bend rather than more angle. Lars explains how rider position and the correct use of aids affect all movements.
Connected and In Front of the Leg - T...
Lars now has them work in the canter, starting with walk canter walk transitions. They then work on transitions within the canter using the correct aids.
Engagement | Cesar Torrente | PART 01
Cesar Torrente helps this beautiful pair warm up and the horse shows great relaxation, bend in both directions and stretch. They use trot serpentines to check that he bends both ways and then leg yield from centerline to the long side. For the shoulder in on the quarterline they work toward less ...