

9 Seasons

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  • Dressage Through the Levels 2017-Second Level | Janet Foy | PART 04

    Episode 1

    A demo rider now rides Second Level 3 while Janet comments and scores the test.  She explains how she determines her scores for impulsion and submission and what movements affected that score.  They then work on the free walk and Janet gives great tips on picking up the reins.

  • Dressage Through the Levels 2017-Second Level | Janet Foy | PART 03

    Episode 2

    Janet now talks about the aids and how they are used in training, explaining the aids for the canter depart  as well as the use of the reins. They work on the serpentine at the canter with the simple changes while she explains what mistakes result in what score. They demonstrate an exemplary cant...

  • Dressage Through the Levels 2017 -Second Level

    Episode 3

    The turn on the haunches in the walk is next. Janet suggests riding the half pass at the walk through to prepare for the turn to get them move in the direction of the turn.  She helps them with where to place the turns as well as many excellent tips on how to ride this movement for the most point...

  • Dressage Through the Levels 2017 - Second Level | Janet Foy | PART 01

    Episode 4

    Janet introduces Second Level and talks about what a big jump it is from First to Second. It the start of collection and they begin with the trot, demonstrating the difference between working and collected trot and repeat this for the canter. They go to the shoulder in at the trot, and Janet poin...

  • Dressage Is A Numbers Game | Carl Hester and Richard Davison | PART 01

    Episode 5

    Great Britain's Carl Hester and Richard Davison are working with riders who they have never worked with before. Carl begins by explaining how he works with new riders by first watching the warm up, noticing the horse's beautiful, light trot and asking for more jump in the canter. Richard notes th...

  • Developing the Gaits and Feel at Second Level | Arlene Tuny Page | PART 01

    Episode 6

    Arlene Tuny Page works developing the gaits and understanding how to feel at Second (2nd) Level

  • Developing the Gaits and Feel at Second Level | Arlene Tuny Page | PART 02

    Episode 7

    Arlene Tuny Page works developing the gaits and understanding how to feel at Second (2nd) Level

  • Developing the Gaits and Feel at Second Level | Arlene Tuny Page | PART 03

    Episode 8

    Arlene Tuny Page works developing the gaits and understanding how to feel at Second (2nd) Level

  • Creating Connection, Transitions, and Balance | Debbie McDonald | PART 01

    Episode 9

    Debbie has the pair start with the connection they are looking for, and ask them to keep that connection no matter what else is going on in the arena. They use transitions on a serpentine, adding a transition to walk when the trot becomes too speedy. Debbie has her add leg yields to the wall in ...

  • Straightness - Canter Pirouettes and Half Pass | Debbie McDonald | PART 05

    Episode 10

    Debbie helps this rider ride forward from behind and keeps working on the straightness. They work on suppleness, and when they go shoulder fore down centerline, the mare keeps trying for half pass. When she no longer tries to dive right, they allow the half pass. Debbie coaches her on how to a...

  • Creating Balance and Throughness | Guenter Zach | PART 01

    Episode 11

    Creating balance and throughness with Guenter Zach

  • Creating Balance | Nancy Later | PART 02

    Episode 12

    Nancy now has them do a leg yield along the wall with the head to the wall. This helps the horse to learn to step underneath himself and loosen the lower back. When they go to reverse directions they freshen up the response of the horse to the leg, making sure he moves forward to the almost tro...

  • Contact With Elasticity | Nicholas Fyffe | PART 03

    Episode 13

    Nicholas helps her with great instruction on getting better flexion, and then challenges her to keep the contact as she rides a three loop serpentine. He gives her tips on how to keep that contact and talks about the usual thought to weight the inside seat bone. Nicholas explains his normal train...

  • Contact With Elasticity | Nicholas Fyffe | PART 01

    Episode 14

    Nicholas helps her with great instruction on getting better flexion, and then challenges her to keep the contact as she rides a three loop serpentine. He gives her tips on how to keep that contact and talks about the usual thought to weight the inside seat bone. Nicholas explains his normal train...

  • Contact With Elasticity | Nicholas Fyffe | PART 02

    Episode 15

    Nicholas helps her with great instruction on getting better flexion, and then challenges her to keep the contact as she rides a three loop serpentine. He gives her tips on how to keep that contact and talks about the usual thought to weight the inside seat bone. Nicholas explains his normal train...

  • Works on Suppleness, Bend and Throughness | Catherine Haddad | PART 02

    Episode 16

    In this lesson with Catherine Haddad and James Alliston, James rides a beautiful Thoroughbred mare. She recommends a warm up with lots of canter before sitting the trot. She challenges James to be soft in his arms and be aware of the movements of his head. On a twenty meter circle, they practice ...

  • Works on Suppleness, Bend and Throughness | Catherine Haddad | PART 05

    Episode 17

    In this lesson with Catherine Haddad and James Alliston, James rides a beautiful Thoroughbred mare. She recommends a warm up with lots of canter before sitting the trot. She challenges James to be soft in his arms and be aware of the movements of his head. On a twenty meter circle, they practice ...

  • Works on Suppleness, Bend and Throughness | Catherine Haddad | PART 03

    Episode 18

    In this lesson with Catherine Haddad and James Alliston, James rides a beautiful Thoroughbred mare. She recommends a warm up with lots of canter before sitting the trot. She challenges James to be soft in his arms and be aware of the movements of his head. On a twenty meter circle, they practice ...

  • Works on Suppleness, Bend and Throughness | Catherine Haddad | PART 01

    Episode 19

    In this lesson with Catherine Haddad and James Alliston, James rides a beautiful Thoroughbred mare. She recommends a warm up with lots of canter before sitting the trot. She challenges James to be soft in his arms and be aware of the movements of his head. On a twenty meter circle, they practice ...

  • Works on Suppleness, Bend and Throughness | Catherine Haddad | PART 04

    Episode 20

    In this lesson with Catherine Haddad and James Alliston, James rides a beautiful Thoroughbred mare. She recommends a warm up with lots of canter before sitting the trot. She challenges James to be soft in his arms and be aware of the movements of his head. On a twenty meter circle, they practice ...

  • Benefits of a Good Warm Up | Helen Langehanenberg | PART 01

    Episode 21

    Helen rides a six year old going M level, after having walked for 15 minutes.  She warms up by allowing the tendons and joints to warm up and get ready for work while searching for the contact.  She makes sure she keeps her balance off the forehand and doesn't roll her neck in the canter. The tho...

  • Benefits of a Good Warm Up | Helen Langehanenberg | PART 02

    Episode 22

    Helen first works on transitions that are through and carrying, and then goes on to the changes.  If there are problems with them, she continues to ride forward and straight and corrects it the next time without upsetting the horse.  In the walk breaks she lets the mare stretch completely and she...

  • 3-2, M Level, Demo and Instruction | Axel Steiner

    Episode 23

    Axel Steiner, 3-2, M Level, Demo and instruction on how to improve.

  • Uphill Tendency | Axel Steiner | INTRO

    Episode 24

    Axel Steiner works with this rider and her young horse on self-carriage.