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Suspension and Engagement | Charles de Kunffy


Up Next in Second Level

  • Straightness at the Second Level | De...

    As they ask for the canter, the mare becomes wiggly, so they work the shoulder fore at the walk until she is bored with it before going to the canter. They show a good example of using the counterflexion to correct the shoulder. With several walk canter walk transitions, the connection becomes ...

  • Straightness at Second Level with Deb...

    They return to the trot, and when the mare is a bit hot, they use those moments to further the training. Debbie talks about the importance of the horse being able to come back to a relaxed walk in the session.

  • Straightness and Connection | Nichola...

    Nicholas Fyffe works with this young rider starting by asking for a consistent frame and connection in the walk.  He challenges her to be precise in her free walk, and to get that walking back to the barn walk. He asks her to ride a slight shoulder fore at the walk which will help with the straig...