Once warmed up, Olivia demonstrates the 10-meter circle in canter. The proper amount of bend will allow you to just see the inside eye. She compares it to driving two cars parallel to each other around a turn. You must ride so that the horse is equal in both reins and on both sides.
Up Next in Second Level
Schooling the Second Level Horse | Ol...
Olivia coaches a rider working on second level movements, including 10-meter circles. In the trot, she emphasizes using shoulder fore in both directions to engage the inside hind leg. In the 10-meter circles in canter, she stresses keeping the horse on the outside aids throughout while keeping th...
Walking the Magic Square | AnnA Buffini
Grand Prix competitor AnnA Buffini shows how to introduce your horse to the idea of riding a square. Practicing it at a walk shows your horse tendencies but gives you more time to adjust compared to doing it at a canter. The goal is for the horse to be straight on the lines and bending through th...
Riding the Magic Square with a Lower-...
Grand Prix competitor AnnA Buffini demonstrates riding a square on a 4-year-old mare. With a young, or lower-level horse, the focus of the exercise is on straight lines and bending through the turns, which helps teach the horse how to balance back, how to turn and how to go forward off both legs....