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Leaning on the Rein, Rein-Back, Transitions | Joyce Heuitink | PART 03


Up Next in Second Level

  • Second Level Simple Changes

    with Janet Foy and Debbie McDonald

  • 5YO: Relaxation, Stretching, Canter W...

    Helen Langehanenberg teaches a lesson with one of her trainers on a five year old.  They first look for looseness and suppleness with stretching in the warm up.  When they move on to the work, Helen asks that he be sitting and uphill in the movements.  In the canter they work on walk canter trans...

  • Regulate Your Horse's Tempo | Charles...

    Charles de Kunffy works with this rider on managing her horse tendency to rush. He helps her post slower to decrease her horse tempo and explains that when the horse rushes with a short stride, he does not have enough suspension or elevation. It not about asking the horse to move more forward”it ...