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Watch this video and more on Equestrian+


Classical Riding, Day 1, Ride 7 | Charles de Kunffy


Up Next in Second Level

  • Balance Your Horse for Better Rhythm ...

    USDF-Certified Instructor Beth Baumert explains that when your horse is balanced, he can have a relaxed rhythm. From this state, his movements become easier, his gaits improve and he becomes more beautiful and mentally relaxed. This video series helps you determine why your horse is out of balanc...

  • Balance Your Horse Laterally | Beth B...

    USDF-Certified Instructor Beth Baumert explains why your horse is inclined to lose his balance laterally and how to maintain it by riding shoulder-fore. She shares exercises to introduce and improve the shoulder-fore: Develop flexion, narrow the horse inside hind leg so it steps under your seat, ...

  • Balance Your Horse Longitudinally | B...

    USDF-Certified Instructor Beth Baumert explains why your horse is inclined to lose his balance longitudinally and how to maintain it by riding an effective half-halt and transitions. She offers a simple definition of half-halt, including the rein, leg and seat aids, as well as the timing of those...