Nancy Later brings us another tutorial, this time on exercises for rebalancing your horse to help you ask them to carry more weight on the hindquarters. She begins the lesson by talking about what balance means, and how the balance of the rider can affect the balance of the horse. She covers the placement of your weight in the saddle, as well as using your pelvis to influence their balance. The dangers of the rider fighting a horse that goes heavy in the bridle is discussed and what causes that problem. Nancy demonstrates how the leg yield can encourage your horse to shift their balance with clear instruction on how to do this without getting the rider out of balance.
Up Next in Training Level
Create a Forward-Thinking Horse | Nan...
Nancy Later discusses what to do when your horse wants to lean on the rein, schooling pirouettes and the proper aids to use.
Create a Forward-Thinking Horse | Nan...
Obedience to leg aid, creating a forward thinking horse, warm up, checking to make sure the basics are there.
Create a Forward-Thinking Horse | Nan...
Getting proper downward transitions learning the pirouettes, creating accountability for all aids