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Aids for Training for Training Level | Dr. Ulf Moller | PART 04

7m 52s

Up Next in Training Level

  • Lunch | Hubertus Schmidt

  • Aids for Training for Training Level ...

    Dr. M_ller asks this rider to use the corners with this four year old horse and explains what he means by feeling the mouth. They go over the use of the sitting trot in the transition from rising trot to walk. The coordination of rein and leg riding corners is discussed.

  • Teaching the Leg Yield | Cesar Torren...

    Judge Cesar Torrente works with a First Level rider that performed the First Level Test One the day before. They start out with a lovely trot, much improved from the day before. He has the rider flex to the left and right as they warm up, and then moves into leg yields starting with the walk. ...