

The Olympic sport of show jumping is scored objectively based solely on the horse’s athletic ability over fences as measured by time. A jumper’s only job is to clear all the fences in the course as quickly as possible without incurring any faults from knocking down a rail, refusing the jump or finishing over the allowed time. Search for your favorite coach or by training topic.

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  • Schooling a Young Jumper Stallion | Kama Godek

    Kama Godek, 5* FEI Grand Prix jumper rider, holds the USHJA Trainer Certification and German Trainers Certification. In this video, she demonstrates a typical schooling session with an 8-year-old stallion. She warms him up on the flat with some lateral work in both trot and canter before heading ...

  • How to Walk a 12-Foot Stride | Kama Godek

    Kama Godek, 5* FEI Grand Prix jumper rider, holds the USHJA Trainer Certification and German Trainers Certification. In this video, she briefly explains and demonstrates how to practice and then walk off a standard 12-foot stride. This is important to know so you can properly set poles and jumps ...

  • Halting and Control in the Flatwork

    International Grand Prix show jumping star Todd Minikus stresses that being able to halt the horse from any gait is extremely important. It seems simple, but when you work on the flat, practice stopping. Todd also schools one mare to lighten her shoulders and get her to use her back and hind end....

  • Straightness and Rhythm to a Distance in Canter – Part 4

    This last group from Equitana USA does the same triangle ground pole exercise which shows if the rider has a good distance if the horse has a good rhythm and if the horse is straight These items are key factors for a good jumper round If the horse is struggling to be straight and forward Ronny su...

  • Straightness and Rhythm to a Distance in Trot

    When considering a distance, the horse’s straightness and rhythm are the two most important factors. Ronny has the riders do an exercise using ground poles shaped into triangles to focus on straightness and rhythm.

  • Tips for an Easy Warmup

    In his second group at Equitana USA 2021, Ronny asks the group to warm up at the trot. He is looking for a soft connection in the reins, a balanced rider tall in the upper body and a strong connection in the rider’s leg. He is also looking at the horse’s length of step. He wants the horse’s legs ...

  • Tips for Riding a Five-Stride Line

    Ronny talks about how he rides a five-stride line. It is important to land and organize in the first few strides then not interfere with the horse’s rhythm the last two or three strides before the next jump.

  • Tips for Riding a Course from Feeling

    Ronny tends to ride his courses from feel rather than walking the course and pre-determining his lines and number of strides between fences. He says you need to know where the horse is coming from, where the horse is right before the jump and where does the horse have to go next.

  • Tips for Riding a Jumper Course – Part 1

    Ronny coaches the first rider through a jumper course of varying lines and distances He calls out the fences as she goes so that the rider must ride off feeling He states that horse shows are won at home with practice He says that getting the rhythm getting the horse set up and trusting the horse...

  • Warmup Over Single Fences

    When warming up over jumps, Ronny feels that the number one priority should be a straight, rhythmic horse with a straight approach and a straight departure. They start with a crossrail, then move on to a vertical and an oxer. He would like to see a forward rhythm through the turn prior to the jum...

  • Tips for Riding a Jumper Course – Part 3

    The third rider to go tends to get too forward and drops the contact just before the jump Ronny tells her to sit down and lean back along with using more leg to help the horses rhythm flow more He encourages her to be more confident in her ride

  • Tips for Riding a Jumper Course – Part 4

    The final rider goes with an assigned course The horse needs to go more forward and the horse needs to keep a steady rhythm especially through the turns He also wants the rider to focus on a consistent contact and not give away her reins before the jump

  • Riding Tight Turns in a Jumper Course

    The best, tightest turns can win a jump off. International Grand Prix show jumping star Todd Minikus shows riders the best way to ride inside and tight turns that will save time in the jump off. Horses and riders both need to stay straight and balanced, and he says that you need to have some self...

  • Controlling the Shoulders in a Jumper Course

    Building on the square exercise, International Grand Prix show jumping star Todd Minikus has riders jump a course, focusing on controlling the horse’s shoulders through the turns. If the horse drifts through the outside shoulder, there is a better change of the horse running out or missing the co...

  • Adult Amateur Jumpers

    International Grand Prix show jumping star Todd Minikus coaches a group of adult amateur riders through several courses. He emphasizes that the riders must sit up to not get ahead of the horse and give a good release, including grabbing mane if needed. The riders also need to know when to move up...

  • Walking a Line | Holly Hugo-Vidal

    Holly shows how to determine the number of strides a horse should take in a straight line and a bending line. She walks a straight line in seven strides and then a bending line in six strides. She also discusses how position adjustments can help the horse land on a particular lead in the bending ...

  • Welcome to the Market Street Clinic - Day 2 | Anne Kursinski

    Anne thanks her sponsors and welcomes everyone back to the clinic for day 2, which will see more emphasis on jumping.

  • Seeing a Distance - Rhythm Over a Ground Pole | Holly Hugo-Vidal | PART 02

    Building on the exercises in Part 1, Holly explains why bad distances happen. For the final exercise in the series, she has the rider approach a vertical in a good rhythm and balance, and when the horse has focused on it, she has the rider look at her raised hand, concentrating on maintaining the...

  • Riding the Direct Line | Holly Hugo-Vidal

    Holly explains how the type of turn a rider makes to a line can help the rider arrive at the ideal takeoff spot. Typically the best approach is to follow a track that is 90 degrees to the center of the fence, but a skilled rider can turn a little early or late to help make the distance work out.

  • Riding the Bending Line | Holly Hugo-Vidal

    Holly explains how a rider uses her eyes to determine where the track in the bending line needs to be in order to ride it in an even six strides. She explains how riding different tracks to the first fence affects how much bend between the two fences is needed.

  • Riding Bending and Straight Lines | Kama Godek

    Kama Godek, 5* FEI Grand Prix jumper rider, holds the USHJA Trainer Certification and German Trainers Certification. In this video, she explains why she likes four-stride line exercises. They are easier to set in a confined space, and there is less margin for error. Then she coaches a rider throu...

  • Rhythm and Related Distances | Kim Barone

    Through explaining the key basics of riding to any distance, Kim explains why she places an emphasis on straightness and rhythm as a rider. Along with this explanation, Kim shares her take on how riders can ideally recover from mistakes made when the basics are not maintained through focusing on ...

  • Measuring Distances in a Line | Kim Barone

    Kim works through a five stride line of two jumps to demonstrate related distances. As she works through the exercise, Kim also demonstrates what issues might arise when riding to related distances and how to correct those errors and also prevent them. Kim also rides through adjusting within the ...

  • Long Approach to a Single Jump | Kim Barone

    Kim demonstrates a ride to a single vertical with an unrelated distance. As she rides through the exercise, Kim explains the importance of rhythm and straightness in order to ensure a correct distance to the single jump. Just as Kim describes the correct ride to a single, she also explains what c...