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Day 2 Session 1 - Jumping | Anne Kursinski | PART 02

Jumping • 16m

Up Next in Jumping

  • Day 2 Session 1 - Jumping | Anne Kurs...

    Anne has the riders go into 2-point position and canter the crossrail while counting out loud the eight strides before the fence. They then have to stop at a specific point she has picked. She wants the riders to focus on rhythm, straightness and accuracy.

  • Day 2 Session 1 - Flat Warm-up | Anne...

    Anne has the riders canter in both directions with the focus on sitting in the saddle. She also has them canter without stirrups to further get the feel of a deep seat.

  • Day 2 Session 1 - Flat Warm-up | Anne...

    As the warm-up progresses, Anne has riders drop their stirrups and work on leg yielding. They also do trot/halt transitions. All of this is to test/work on the responsiveness of the horses to the aids. Anne notes that there were big improvements over day 1.