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Day 1 Session 1 - Working Trot Warm-Up | Anne Kursinski

Jumping • 10m

Up Next in Jumping

  • Day 1 Session 1 - Working Canter Warm...

    Utilizing both shortening and lengthening exercises at the canter, riders increase the effectiveness of their aids. At the same time, Anne helps guide riders to improve their position to also help their horses improve on the flat.

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    Anne talks riders through how to use their aids in a coordinated manner while demonstrating turn on the haunches on a student’s horse.

  • Day 1 Session 1 - Tips for Setting th...

    Whether you are working on your spacing from each horse within the schooling ring or jumping around a course, Anne explains the importance of pace. Beginning with working at the walk, Anne also discusses stirrup length of the riders and how important position is when working through the basics.