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Parking at the Mounting Block | Michael Bragdell

Groundwork • 5m 38s

Up Next in Groundwork

  • Performing Half Steps In-Hand

    When the horse can perform all the smaller pieces easily, she is ready to try the actual half-steps. In this video, Michael picks up the contact, walks backwards first and then asks for the half-steps. Rewarding for a good attempt is to drop the reins, take the whip away (removing the pressure) a...

  • Teaching Rein Back In-Hand | Michael ...

    There are many other skills you can teach your horse from the ground. The first one Michael does is the rein back. He uses this for obedience and to teach the horse to weight the hind leg. He teaches it on the ground first before transferring it over to under saddle. In this video, he explains an...

  • Understanding Rhythmic Pressure | Mon...

    Monique explains the concept of rhythmic pressure. Naturally horses will be in sync with the rest of the herd. When the person is out of rhythm is can cause confusion in the horse. She explains herd dynamics and how horses move each other and then how a person can utilize that to move a horse awa...