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Teaching Rein Back In-Hand | Michael Bragdell

Groundwork • 3m 34s

Up Next in Groundwork

  • Moving the Hind Leg Laterally | Micha...

    Once the horse yields to the rein, Michael asks the horse to move her hind leg laterally underneath her belly and away from him. He first makes sure the horse is not overly reactive to the whip. The goal is to do as little as possible, but as much as needed, to get the results he wants.

  • Hind Leg Moment of Pause | Michael Br...

    Once the horse stands relaxed at the rail, Michael asks the hind leg to react to the bamboo stick. He looking for the moment of suspension when the horse holds the leg in the air. He doesnt want to emphasize the moment of her pushing down. Where on the leg you tap the horse depends on where the i...

  • Half a Half-Step | Michael Bragdell

    The next progression is to eliminate the moment of pause. Michael still just has a hold of the left rein and isnt asking the horse to be on the bit. He just wants her to be straight. It takes time and practice to be able to walk backwards and be ready to quickly and accurately apply pressure to t...