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Groundwork - Leading the Horse Within Boundaries | Chelsea Canedy

Groundwork • 10m

Up Next in Groundwork

  • Groundwork - Transitions on the Circl...

    Chelsea moves from leading the horse to circling, which she uses more for building the connection with her horse instead of for exercise. She explains her single cue aids for different gaits, stressing that using a barrage of aids to get your horse to move is just like using your leg constantly w...

  • Groundwork - Moving the Horse Lateral...

    Another useful tool on the ground is moving laterally from pressure. Chelsea demonstrates how to do a leg yield from the ground with the horse’s head to the wall, which helps with a boundary to go sideways instead of forward. When the horse gets it right, she removes the aid and relaxes her body ...

  • Using the Rope Safely | Chelsea Canedy

    Chelsea takes a moment to explain how she safely works with her rope and considerations to take when working with your own horse.