

3 Seasons

Eventing, an Olympic sport, is best described as an equestrian triathlon. The sport originated as a cavalry test and is comprised of three phases: dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. Eventing tests horse and rider pairs more completely than any other. Learn from the best eventing riders and trainers in the world. Search for your favorite coach or by training topic.

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  • Circle Exercise | Gina Miles | TRAILER

    Episode 1

    Olympian Gina Miles works with a group during a lesson on her circle exercise. Gina demonstrates riding the exercise, consisting of two to four jumps on a circle, and how the riders can control the number of strides between the jumps. She also explains how the exercise can be decreased in difficu...

  • Introduction of Group 1

    Episode 2

    The first group of riders introduce themselves and their horses/pony. Buck explains the basics of his system. He says riders need to remember two things – where you are going and how fast you are going to get there. He has the riders canter a circle each direction so he can evaluate each pair. He...

  • Circle Exercise | Gina Miles | PART 02

    Episode 3

    The riders take to the circle and see how many levels they can make it through the exercise while Gina offers feedback and correction when needed. The first rider has a bigger striding horse and struggles to compress the stride so Gina suggests using the feeling of walk to canter as a tool for co...

  • Group 1 Jumping a Small Course | Buck Davidson

    Episode 4

    Buck has the riders complete a small course with the emphasis on cantering forward, being focused on exactly where they want to go and then stopping at a specific point. All three riders show a definite improvement.

  • Circle Exercise | Gina Miles | PART 03

    Episode 5

    The riders continue to work on the exercise. One rider with a very big striding horse has an easy time lengthening the stride, but struggles much more with compressing her horse to add, and subsequently loses her lead. Gina has her work on an exercise with small circles to help her get a feel for...

  • Introduction of Group 2 | Buck Davidson

    Episode 6

    The second group of riders introduce themselves and their horses. Buck explains the basics of his system and his goal of giving the riders a few take-aways that they can use going forward. He says riders need to remember two things – where you are going and how fast you are going to get there. If...

  • Instructor Certification Program - Part 1

    Episode 7

    The instructors instruct a rider aiming for one star, and her six year old prelim horse, focusing on the canter position of the horse. They work first on establishing that the horse is moving off the aides. The instructor notes that it seems to be taking 50% of the leg aide, plus some seat, to ge...

  • Instructor Certification Program - Part 10

    Episode 8

    The lesson focuses on walk to canter, and canter to walk transitions. The instructor encourages the rider to ride more independently and not wait to be told what to do. He explains that at prelim, she needs to be able to recognize the quality of the canter she's in and correct it accordingly.

  • Jumping Exercises To Improve The Riders Effectiveness - Part 1

    Episode 9

    Part 1: Mary starts the lesson off with a bounce and some narrow fences in an exercise that has the riders changing the rein. She explains this challenges the riders to work on their steering and turns, as well as demanding they be effective over the fences. Mary gives the riders individual feedb...

  • Jumping Exercises To Improve The Riders Effectiveness | Mary King | PART 02

    Episode 10

    Mary praises a rider who shows great reaction, and manages her horse well when he comes into the bounce wrong, so they are able to complete the fence. She points out how the horse can sometimes get a little busy with his head when the questions get harder, and suggests a properly fitted running m...

  • Improving Your Turns For Show Jumping | Christopher Burton | TRAILER

    Episode 11

    Olympian Christopher Burton gives a lesson in the stadium, focused on improving your turns for show jumping. He works with riders over fences to chose the best lines and ride correct turns to have a better course.

  • Improving Your Turns For Show Jumping | Christopher Burton | PART 03

    Episode 12

    Part 3: Christopher encourages the riders to ride forward into fences, reminding them that riding forward does not create a hot horse, but chasing them into the last stride does. He explains that steering the horse through turns shouldn't be blocking them from forward motion and their rhythm. Chr...

  • Improving Your Turns For Show Jumping | Christopher Burton | PART 04

    Episode 13

    Part 4: Christopher encourages the riders to continue to focus on letting go, using less reins and allowing the horses to go forward. He reminds the riders that the horse is unable to turn in the air, and they must wait until their feet are on the ground so they get the best jump, and are still b...

  • Forward Without Pulling - Part 1

    Episode 14

    In this early spring schooling session, Buck helps these Intermediate riders moving up to Advanced with getting their horses forward in their competition step. The exercises challenge their adjustability, using more finesse than just pulling.

  • Get Those Feet Moving - Part 3

    Episode 15

    Dorothy works with the riders as they tackle the fences. She makes subtle adjustments to their position while thoroughly explaining the biomechanics behind how the rider and horse's bodies interact.

  • Get Those Feet Moving - Part 4

    Episode 16

    Dorothy works with the riders as they tackle the fences. She makes subtle adjustments to their position while thoroughly explaining the biomechanics behind how the rider and horse's bodies interact.

  • Improving The Jumping Technique Of The Horse | Boyd Martin | PART 03

    Episode 17

    Part 3: Boyd raises the jumps and make them wider as the riders continue working through the exercise. He assists a rider with her talented horse that tends to get hot and rush. Boyd reminds her not to be quick with her body over the fence, since she has a quick horse, and to instead use her posi...

  • Improving The Jumping Technique Of The Horse | Boyd Martin | PART 02

    Episode 18

    Part 2: Boyd sets up another exercise with three small jumps on a curve. He challenges the riders to come in a slower, rounder canter in order to jump them all correctly. The exercise helps the riders get a very deep distance and encourage the horses to be quicker in their shoulder while to jumpi...

  • Improving the Jumping Technique of The Horse - Part 4

    Episode 19

    Part 4: Boyd adds V poles to the fences and makes them wider in order to help slow the horses into the jump. This allows the riders to ride in without worrying about holding back, enabling them to focus on their position while the horse has a nicer jump. As the horses start to jump using their wh...

  • Warm-up Over Fences for Event Horses | Liz Halliday-Sharp

    Episode 20

    Liz helps riders warm-up over fences for stadium jumping. She emphasizes keeping leg on into, over and after the jumps and that the riders need to make sure they release enough over the fence. They do several different lines to work on balance, rhythm and straightness.

  • Using Corners In Stadium Jumping - Part 1

    Episode 21

    Part 1: Sharon uses a combination of dressage movements to bring attention to bend and stride control. Progressing to working down lines of gymnastics, Sharon emphases the value of moving the horse's feet. She provides thoughtful critique and supports the riders as the fences are raised.

  • Using Corners In Stadium Jumping - Part 2

    Episode 22

    Part 2: Sharon works with the riders on getting more square through the turns while on course. With emphasis on staying out and using the arena space wisely, viewers see Sharon's instruction in action. With a challenging series of turns, Sharon is able to illustrate the importance of corners for ...

  • Trotting & Walking Fences, Two Star Horses & Riders - Trailer 1

    Episode 23

    Trailer for Britain's first World No.1 Eventer, William Fox-Pitt's Trotting & Walking Fences session, with two star horses and riders. Join William in the jumping arena while he illustrates the value of working over fences at the lower gaits.

  • Trotting & Walking Fences, Two Star Horses & Riders - Trailer 2

    Episode 24

    Trailer for Britain's first World No.1 Eventer, William Fox-Pitt's Trotting & Walking Fences session, with two star horses and riders. Join William in the jumping arena while he illustrates the value of working over fences at the lower gaits.