Part 3: Greg discusses with the riders the best position for shortening the horse's stride between fences in the upcoming exercise, as well as lengthening. He gives a comprehensive overview of position, from hip angle to center of gravity, with thorough explanations of why he suggests each for any given situation and the importance of the aids being very clear. The riders warm up over a small vertical and Greg reminds them to apply the principles of more roundness and thoroughness that they worked on on the flat. He focuses on lead changes as a way to monitor the horse's submission and readiness to continue jumping.
Up Next in Stadium Jumping
Stadium Jumping Verticals | Greg Best...
Part 4: Greg talks to the riders about distances, and how even with the same quality of motion on the same line, they are still liable to change much like the roll of a single dice. He encourages the riders to focus less on seeing or creating a distance, and more on creating the same correct cant...
Stadium Jumping Verticals | Greg Best...
Part 5: The riders tackle a course with lead changes, bending and some challenging lines. The horse Greg moved to a softer bit performs much better and is nicer in the riders hands without being disrespectful. Greg discusses body control with all of the riders, and working on maintaining particul...
Stadium Jumping Verticals | Greg Best...
Part 6: Greg works with a rider whose horse is a little reactive and tends to get away from her around the course. He uses a simple lead change exercise and the canter flatwork from earlier in the lesson to help her keep the horse soft and controlled, and reminds the rider not to over adjust and ...