Part: World Equestrian Games Medalist and International coach Dorothy Crowell works with riders around a course of grass jumps to establish moving their horses feet. She beings by discussing the role of running martingales and how to fit them properly. Dorothy tunes in to each riders position and explains thoroughly how their bodies are affecting their horses, for good and bad. She works with one rider in particular who is getting jumped out of her tack, to reinforce that this is a good thing as it means her horse is jumping ell, she just needs to now work on staying in the saddle over the jump.
Up Next in Stadium Jumping
Rideability For Jumping, Preliminary ...
Trailer for Olympic Eventing veteran, Karen O'Connor's Rideability For Jumping, Preliminary session. Karen works with a group of preliminary level riders and horses to asses the rideability of each horse and improve it. They work around a course of show jumps while Karen teaches everything from p...
Rideability For Jumping, Preliminary ...
Part 1: Karen works with the riders to establish a light an elastic contact with hands that are still and arms that are in motion. She works with one rider to encourage her horse to come rounder by holding the bit still in his mouth and using the leg, rather than creating a lot of distracting mov...
Rideability For Jumping, Preliminary ...
Part 2: The group begins to work on some small fences and cavaletti. Karen coaches a rider who is having issues with her horse trying to escape the bit. They focus on improving the quality of the canter and keeping the pressure on the bit mild and steady, so the mare can soften but still move for...