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Young Horse Warm-up Course | William Fox-Pitt

2m 43s

Up Next in Cross-Country

  • Young Horse Ditches | William Fox-Pitt

    William coaches riders over ditches first and then ditches with fences before and after the ditch. If the horse spooks and stops at a ditch, William wants him to jump it from a standstill. He reminds riders that they don't need to be nervous, but they do need to stay alert on young horses.

  • Young Horse Banks | William Fox-Pitt

    William has them jump up and down a bank. He tells riders to imagine it is level ground with jumps and not think of it as jumping up and down. He wants everyone to stay relaxed. He wants the canter to be collected so that even if they get deep they are still able to jump up or down the bank.

  • Young Horse Mounds | William Fox-Pitt

    When galloping and jumping up and down hills, William stresses the riders controlling their own shoulders. He wants to make sure the horses stay cantering, and they do not come back to trot to change leads. He says that they must learn how to change leads themselves, especially on the cross count...