Grand Prix trainer Silva Martin starts by asking this group of riders to warm up as usual and watched the horses and riders walk, trot and canter in both directions. She told each rider to go forward and straight, not sideways, in the beginning, emphasizing that the horses needed to push under with their hind end and that the riders shouldn’t let the horses’ hindquarters trail behind. The riders put the horses together in a more collected outline. Silva instructs them to keep their hands down and ride forward and up from their seat. “When you ride forward, be careful not to push the horse past the steady rhythm. The horse should feel very even and consistent in his stride.”
Up Next in Dressage
ICP Clinic Position Statement - Trail...
Olympic Gold medalist and British Event Team trainer Christopher Bartle presents his ICP session on position statement. Christopher works with the rider in a box exercise, using leg yield as a tool to improve the horse's bend and attention. As the horse improves, they move back to working in a la...
ICP Clinic Position Statement | Chris...
Olympic Gold medalist and British Event Team trainer Christopher Bartle presents his ICP session on position statement. Christopher works with the rider to evaluate her position statement and then improve it. He uses the turn about the forehand, explaining how this differs from on the forehand, a...
ICP Clinic Position Statement | Chris...
Part 4: Christopher discusses the two leg yields in the one star tests, and how one might ride them. He ties in pointers from the lesson, including checking submission to the outside rein, while explaining each aid and corresponding movement. While practicing building the leg yield, Christopher c...