International event rider Jonathan Holling offers a logical and methodical lesson on increasing the suppleness in the lateral work with a focus on the trot half pass and a turn on the haunches. If you struggle with these upper level movements, this video offers a structure to build correct performance of these movements with exercises you can repeat at home.
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Lateral Suppleness | Johnathan Hollin...
To begin working on a turn on the haunches, they first school a leg yield with the nose to the rail. They then add a small circle in shoulder-in to get the bend with the front legs describing the shape and size of the circle.
Lateral Suppleness | Johnathan Hollin...
In the trot, they again check the back and forth within the gait, spiral in and out in haunches-in or shoulder-in and then work on the trot half pass. They set it up by going haunches-in down the long side, 10m circle at E or B, haunches-in to the end, straighten across the short end, then trot h...
Lateral Suppleness | Johnathan Hollin...
The exercise continues with haunches-in on the diagonal to the quarter line, medium trot to the next quarter line and the haunches-in again.