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ICP Clinic Position Statement | Christopher Hess | PART 04

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ICP Clinic Position Statement | Christopher Hess | TRAILER 01


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  • ICP Clinic Position Statement | Chris...

    Part 4: Christopher discusses the two leg yields in the one star tests, and how one might ride them. He ties in pointers from the lesson, including checking submission to the outside rein, while explaining each aid and corresponding movement. While practicing building the leg yield, Christopher c...

  • ICP Clinic Position Statement | Chris...

    Part 3: Christopher adds a trot pole exercise and reminds the rider to keep their eyes up, while allowing the horse to look down and forward to the contact for the distances of the poles. He explains how it is the responsibility of the horse even at this basic level to pick up his feet and not hi...

  • ICP Clinic Position Statement | Chris...

    Part 2: Christopher explains that the position statement and body language position statement means asking the question of what the position is saying to the horse? It's about giving the horse a signal of what the rider is expecting through the position. He works through one horse being lazy, rem...