As they become more successful in keeping the shoulders straight and start to achieve more quality in the gates, Sandy encourages the rider to be more engaged. She notes that the rider is being tipped in the saddle and encourages her to open the hip joint, which leads to a noticeably more secure position where they can then allow the horse to swing through and move better. Sandy advises the rider to keep working on straightness as she develops the mare and to make sure he is relaxed while riding.
Up Next in Dressage
Dressage with Sinead Halpin | David ...
David and Sinead continue to use the leg yield as a tools to reteach the horse straightness as he goes around. They progress to canter work with similar focus on bend, and coming off the track to try to control his haunches. David explains they're trying to stop the horse evading by popping his h...
Dressage with Sinead Halpin | David ...
Part 3: Continuing to work with the talented horse who has issue with outside bend and moving his haunches out, David has Sinead incorporate circles. By giving the horse the option to choose to position his hind end correctly, they maintain relaxation and see more success working through the leg ...
Dressage with Sinead Halpin | David ...
Part 4: David and Sinead increase the difficulty of the session by introducing turn on the forehand and haunches in. Working on a large circle, they gradually decrease the size as they teach the horse to use his body correctly. The horse gets nervous as the difficulty increases, so David has Sine...