Rider Position: Caveletti Work for Back Mobility | Arthur Kottas-Heldenberg
Cavalletti Work
Rider Position Caveletti work to improve mobility of the back with Arthur KottasHeldenberg.
Up Next in Cavalletti Work
The use of cavaletti, to encourage th...
The use of cavaletti to encourage the horse to swing through his back Focus on the basics which is important at all levels
Cavalletti Work | Ingrid Klimke | PAR...
German Olympian and World Champion event rider Ingrid Klimke explains how to first introduce the horse to the cavalletti. She demonstrates how to walk and trot over polls and how to use your position. Placement between poles should be approximately 1.20m or 5-feet apart approximately.
Cavalletti Work | Ingrid Klimke | PAR...
Next, Ingrid discusses Intermediate pole work. She explains the difference between sitting trot and posting trot over the poles, and discusses whether this work can be used with older horses. She also answers questions on whether to raise the height of the poles and the spacing between them.