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Focus on Straightness Over Cavalletti | Michele Wellman

Cavalletti Work • 13m

Up Next in Cavalletti Work

  • Group 1- Basic Warm Up Over Cavallett...

    USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist and USEA ICP Level 2 Certified Instructor Michele Wellman coaches riders through a warm-up for horses not experienced with cavalletti. The simple goal here is to see what the horse does when he trots over poles. Depending on the horse reaction, the rider can adjust...

  • Group 1 - Focus on Straightness Over ...

    After introducing the cavalletti, Michele has the riders go through a series of ground poles with the focus on straightness, consistency of tempo and length of stride. It is important to let the horse figure out what he needs to do while the rider makes small adjustments with half-halts.

  • Individual Work Over Cavalletti | Mic...

    USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist and USEA ICP Level 2 Certified Instructor Michele Wellman coaches riders through individual patterns each one wanted to try again. They were able to continue to focus on balance and accuracy, but also realized when the horse was getting tired. At that point it is i...