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Building Trot Lengthenings Through the Levels | AnnA Buffini

AnnA Buffini • 11m

Up Next in AnnA Buffini

  • Flying Changes Through the Levels | A...

    AnnA Buffini shows you how to develop flying changes through the levels. She begins by ensuring crisp walk-canter transitions and developing the quality of the canter before progressing through the tempi changes. AnnA demonstrates how she patiently and systematically works through training challe...

  • Layering Lateral Work Through the Lev...

    AnnA Buffini demonstrates how lateral movements build on each other through a horse’s development. She begins with a leg-yield at the trot and builds up to canter half-pass and zig-zags. AnnA explains the importance of “layering” lateral movements to fix training issues and ensure success while m...

  • Walking the Magic Square | AnnA Buffini

    Grand Prix competitor AnnA Buffini shows how to introduce your horse to the idea of riding a square. Practicing it at a walk shows your horse tendencies but gives you more time to adjust compared to doing it at a canter. The goal is for the horse to be straight on the lines and bending through th...