Q&A | AnnA Buffini
AnnA Buffini discusses what drives her toward her goals, her favorite training exercises, how she keeps her horses happy and healthy and more.
AnnA is a young dressage professional based in San Diego, California. She has been part of the U.S. Dressage Team, competing on five major international...
Building Trot Lengthenings Through the Levels | AnnA Buffini
AnnA Buffini demonstrates her method for training trot lengthenings from a young horse through the upper levels. By ensuring the horse pushes from behind and moves in an uphill way from the beginning, each new type of lengthening introduced — lengthening to medium to extended — seamlessly builds ...
Flying Changes Through the Levels | AnnA Buffini
AnnA Buffini shows you how to develop flying changes through the levels. She begins by ensuring crisp walk-canter transitions and developing the quality of the canter before progressing through the tempi changes. AnnA demonstrates how she patiently and systematically works through training challe...
Layering Lateral Work Through the Levels | AnnA Buffini
AnnA Buffini demonstrates how lateral movements build on each other through a horse’s development. She begins with a leg-yield at the trot and builds up to canter half-pass and zig-zags. AnnA explains the importance of “layering” lateral movements to fix training issues and ensure success while m...
Walking the Magic Square | AnnA Buffini
Grand Prix competitor AnnA Buffini shows how to introduce your horse to the idea of riding a square. Practicing it at a walk shows your horse tendencies but gives you more time to adjust compared to doing it at a canter. The goal is for the horse to be straight on the lines and bending through th...
Riding the Magic Square with a Lower-Level Horse | AnnA Buffini
Grand Prix competitor AnnA Buffini demonstrates riding a square on a 4-year-old mare. With a young, or lower-level horse, the focus of the exercise is on straight lines and bending through the turns, which helps teach the horse how to balance back, how to turn and how to go forward off both legs....
Riding the Magic Square with an Upper-Level Horse | AnnA Buffini
Grand Prix competitor AnnA Buffini demonstrates riding a square on her Grand Prix mare. The focus is on smaller squares, tighter turns and more being on the aids to help solidify collection and straightness. The goal is to ride quarter pirouette turns with true upper-level collection all while ma...